Current Auction: Sun Valley Auction 2014 on August 30th, 2014
Shorts for the auction and a sweater for dinner and the Sun Valley Resort headliner show fits September in Sun Valley. The historic Wagon Days celebration with its full western theme of parades and activities rounds out hundreds of available venues.
Sun Valley is where celebrity icons and celebrity cars are common enough that there is little distracting fanfare. Cars include vintage classics, classics, sports (US & Euro), exotics, luxury and muscle. An upscale, but casual collector car auction with celebrity flair in a setting only Sun Valley Resort can offer.
Saturday, August 30th and Sunday, August 31st
Preview and Bidder Registration - 8am to 10:30am
Auction - 10:30am to 6pm
The grid below shows the
available lots and currently consigned vehicles.
Click on a numbered box in the grid below to reserve that space or to
view full details about the consigned vehicle.